ZERO AEROSOL - ZERO Bone Loss - ZERO Irrigation - ZERO Heat

The exclusive agent in Latin American and CANADA and US Distributor
for the
+1 (205) 799-3066 (USA)
ZERO AEROSOL - ZERO Bone Loss - ZERO Irrigation - ZERO Heat
The exclusive agent in Latin American and CANADA and US Distributor
for the
+1 (205) 799-3066 (USA)
DENTAL ENTERPRISES LLC is the exclusive agent for the Osseotouch Total Control, All-in-One MAGNETIC MALLET in all of Latin America, Canada and Distributor for all of the US.
We are currently screening dealer candidates as distributors in Latin America for the MAGNETIC MALLET, a new breakthrough dental product that makes extractions, osteotomies, sinus lifts, crestal ridge splitting, implants and crown removal fast, simple and easy.
After several years of sales and clinical research in Europe, the patented Osseotouch Total Control, All-in-One MAGNETIC MALLET was recently introduced in the US and is expanding to Latin America.
Each Instrument has a specific use and is made of surgical grade stainless steel..
There are 5 straight and 5 matching double bend (curved) design to operate in the posterior.
The curvature/offset is 9 mm.
The available Instrument Kits are: Extraction, Black Ruby Osteotome, Ridge Split Kit and EasyIn.
You may configure the Magnetic Mallet to fit your procedures and needs.
Additional special instruments and the Crown remover handpiece are also available.
The Total Control MAGNETIC MALLET is an affordable, simple to use, intuitive and indispensable piece of equipment for every dental office doing extractions, implants, osseodensification, crown removal, sinus lifts and crestal ridge splits.
The magnetic-dynamic impulse is delivered quickly and precisely, exactly where the doctor wants it.
There is no heat so there is no need for irrigation.
The MAGNETIC MALLET by Osseotouch gives the doctor Total Control, saves time, requires less physical strength and gives the patient a better overall experience.
Because of the patented magnetic-dynamic force created in the hand piece, the chance of BPPV occurring is greatly reduced than when using the traditional manual mallet.
The Physical impact on the doctor's joints--shoulders, elbows--is significantly less when using the Osseotouch.
Discover the innovative, intuitive, easy to use MAGNETIC MALLET by OsseoTouch and understand how it can impact your practice!
After reviewing the materials, if you feel that the MAGNETIC MALLET would be a good fit for your company, please contact us for next steps to discuss this opportunity.
1158 Valley Forge Tuscaloosa, AL 35406 US
Michael Friedman +1 334-799-4149 (USA) Barbara Brown +1 205-799-2020 (USA) Office +1 205-799-3066 (USA)